Students and families can easily access the secure, online Student Insights at any time. Use the information on student individual district and state tests and learning plans to check in on learning progress, set goals, and identify issues to talk about with teachers.
Student Insights is tailored for each student. The learning plans and tests included in Student Insights are shown below.
State Tests
CMAS – Colorado’s Measure of Academic Success is an annual state test in English language arts (reading/writing) and math for grades 3 through 8 tomeasure student proficiency of the Colorado Academic Standards.
District Tests
MAP – Jeffco’s Measures of Academic Progress – District reading and math test given three times per year for grades 3 through 10 helping teachers pinpoint individual student instructional needs throughout the year.
ACCESS for ELLs (English language learners only) is an annual state test to measure English language proficiency in grades K-12.
Student Learning Plans
(This information is included only for students with these learning plans.)
READ – A READ plan lists the goals a student needs to reach grade level in reading. It also describes the learning supports the school will provide to meet those goals.
ALP – The Advanced Learning Plan outlines programming for identified gifted students and is used as a guide for educational planning and decision-making.
How to Log-On to Student Insights
Click this link and enter your log-in name and password (the same one you use for Infinite Campus). This web-based resource is confidential and may only be accessed by Jeffco students and their parents or guardians using personal log-in and password-protected information.
Login Information
Student Insights is confidential and may only be accessed by Jeffco students and their parents or guardians. Use the log-in user name and password you use for other district tools, such as Infinite Campus Parent Portal or Student Portal.
Forgot your student or parent password?
If you have forgotten or do not know your Jeffco Connect account information, please visit the Personal Account Manager to recover or reset their usernames and passwords.
Students should use the student password reset tool.